Recruitment is more competitive than ever. Many companies have shifted hiring strategies to focus more attention on passive candidates. Passive candidates are well-qualified individuals who, while not actively looking for work at your company, may still consider working there. Targeting passive candidates can successfully attract top-quality talent to your company while saving you time and money.

Consistently attracting passive candidates to your company requires you to focus on how the public perceives your company and how you can elevate your company in the public eye and reach the high-quality passive candidates you need.

Ready to improve your hiring strategies and save your company time and money during recruitment? Here are three secrets for attracting the passive candidates you’re looking for:

1. Elevate Your Company’s Online Presence

We are attracted to what we see, so creating a solid online brand is a significant way to drive recruitment. Your company’s online presence is multi-faceted, including the website, social media profiles, media coverage, reviews, videos, and more. Actively managing your digital presence and curating your brand to cultivate positive perceptions among candidates and customers alike is crucial.

A robust online brand:

  • Educates passive candidates about your company culture, including well-being, benefits, and perks,
  • Showcases employee accomplishments and testimonials, and
  • Highlights the company’s initiatives.

You can improve your digital strategy by adding vibrant, engaging videos and imagery and providing information and education through blog posts and articles. You can also hire a professional website designer to revamp your website and hone your marketing efforts for peak effectiveness.

2. Revamp Your Job Descriptions

Job descriptions should constantly evolve and adjust to reach the candidates you’re looking for, including passive candidates. Well-written job descriptions not only communicate your company’s mission and values but also can interest potential passive candidates enough to make them consider leaving their job, even if they are otherwise content there.

Include information in your enhanced job descriptions that goes beyond the job itself. Discuss the company’s mission and values, opportunities for growth and career advancement, and the perks and benefits.

3. Expand Your Recruitment Focus

It is common for companies to focus on specific candidate profiles when recruiting. While this might seem a good tactic, it can be detrimental to growing a diverse, highly qualified team. By limiting the scope of candidates, you could miss individuals who, while not possessing every mark of education or experience, can make meaningful contributions to your company.

Are you ready to attract top-quality passive candidates? By using the advice above, you can more effectively attract passive candidates that will be an asset to your company, adding value and improving your organization from day one.

If you need help hiring, turn to Beacon Staffing today!