Making decisions is hard, especially when you’re trying to make big career choices. Being practical about your professional path and your financial needs is essential, but you also want to stay aligned with your values and purpose. Otherwise, you may find yourself unhappy and regretting your choices.

Finding the right balance is possible. In this blog, we’ll present some key questions to ask yourself that will help you narrow down your options, focus on what’s important, and figure out the right professional path for you.

Question 1. What are your feelings telling you?

When you’re faced with important decisions, you usually experience a strong emotion. Even before logic kicks in, your mind and body can provide important insights into whether an action is the right course for you. Emotions are closely linked to your core values and identity, so your “gut instinct” regarding a career path is crucial to your decision-making process.

Question 2. What matters to you?

The next step after connecting to your emotions is to consciously identify your values. Defining your purpose and what really matters to you allows you to make choices aligned with what you care about, resulting in a more fulfilling career in the long term. With a more complete understanding of who you are and how you handle things, you can better assess career moves and predict how they will positively or negatively affect you.

Question 3. What matters to other people?

It is also important to consider how your career decision will impact your loved ones. If you’re making a big career decision, it is vital to ask the people who will be affected by your choices what they think and feel about it. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the new job or expanded role, but it may require negotiation to make it more closely align with your values and your family’s needs.

Question 4. What is the reality of the situation?

The purpose of this question is to make sure you’re making the decision for the right reasons. You have to be objective and consider every angle based on facts, not your assumptions. Look at the career move objectively from every angle, noting the pros and cons. If you find you’re still unsure about what path to take or whether you’re being completely objective, talk to a trusted mentor or friend.

Question 5. How do I put the pieces together?

After you’ve answered the four questions above, you’re ready to put the piece together and make your decision. It takes time, but paying close attention to each of these points will help you make a balanced, rational decision when it comes to big career choices. You’ll also be confident that your decision aligns with your purpose, your passions, your values, and the people who matter the most to you.

For help finding a new role that balances your purpose and your passions, turn to Beacon Staffing!