The college graduates of today are tomorrow’s future in business and industry. As they leave school and embark on the search for a job in their new career, it is essential to ensure your company gets noticed by recent college graduates. Employers must effectively communicate their brand to these bright young prospects, nurture this generation’s talent, and help them grow professionally and personally.

Challenges for New Graduates

Employers are regularly confronted with two main issues involving new graduates: they are either inundated with applications for specific roles or, for more specialized roles, there is high competition and a much smaller pool of talent to choose from.

Receiving Too Many Applications

When too many people with similar hard skills apply for a role, it can be difficult to distinguish who is most suitable for the job. Though volume may be the problem, this indicates a flaw in your application process. It may be too easy to apply, or your screening process may need to be narrower.

There are several ways to solve this problem. Consider using an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and including detailed screening questions. The answers to these questions will illustrate the applicant’s communication skills, personality, and motivations for the job. You can also set parameters for a suitable applicant, including a cover letter and links to a portfolio or work samples.

Hard-to-Reach Talent Pools

This issue can create many problems for your team. High competition and a small pool of qualified talent for many specialist roles exist. Attracting talent to your company, and retaining it, requires thinking beyond salary and benefits. Candidates need to see the advantage of being a part of your organization instead of going with another brand.

Marketing your company and its role is the best way to address this issue. Your employer brand should be consistent and visible across your website, social media, and any media placements you pursue. Potential job candidates need to see the consistency of your brand message and company culture across platforms and throughout the hiring process.

Develop your marketing with your ideal candidate in mind and focus on those channels to reach job seekers looking for the specific roles you need to fill.


More than half of all college graduates feel unprepared for the working world when they leave school. During this confusing time, employers must build strong connections with these new job seekers and offer them a future of growth and success.

Looking for college graduates? Beacon Staffing can find you graduates that are eager to work!