Sometimes, the most straightforward questions are the most difficult to answer. “Why do you want to work here?” is one of the most asked questions in job interviews and the most confounding.
This very direct question is crucial and one of the best opportunities to show your enthusiasm for the job and that you are an ideal candidate. In this blog post, we will discuss how to best answer this infamous interview question and what not to say.
Interview Preparation
Interviewers could ask you, “Why do you want to work here?” in a variety of ways, including:
- “What made you want to apply for a job at this company?”
- “Why do you want to work for us?”
- “Why are you interested in this role?”
However it is worded, the goal is to see if you are a good fit for the company and the role. With that in mind, begin by researching the company. Examine the company’s website and familiarize yourself with its services and products. Review the company’s blog and social media accounts, especially reviews from current and previous employees.
Next, study the job description. List your favorite things about the job and take note of the things that align closely with your career objectives and best skills. Finally, identify your core values that fit well with the workplace culture presented by the company.
Three Steps to Answer, “Why Do You Want to Work Here?”
1. Express passion for the company’s mission
One of the main goals of this question is to gauge your enthusiasm for the role. It’s essential to give the interviewer what they want from the beginning. Mention the company’s mission statement and how it aligns with your values and goals. This shows you’re applying for the position because you want to work there, not just because you need a job.
2. Mention why you would mesh well with the company culture
Interviewers are not just screening your skills and experience. They also want to know if you will match the company culture well. When you research the company, especially its mission statement, employee reviews, and social media, take note of some of its initiatives and mention that you have some ideas to contribute.
3. Show how your goals align with the company’s goals
Your answer should also showcase how the position you’re interviewing for aligns with your career goals. Explaining how your career goals align with company goals helps convince the interviewer that you won’t leave as soon as a new opportunity presents itself.
What NOT to Say
To avoid leaving a negative impression behind, do not:
- Focus only on your interests,
- Say that you are only interested in the money,
- Say that you do not know,
- Give a generic answer that could apply to any company.
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