Hiring temporary employees offers valuable benefits, especially for filling gaps due to medical leaves or managing seasonal demand surges. However, because temporary work differs from long-term employment, it requires a unique approach to the hiring process.

  1. Plan Ahead

When considering hiring a temporary employee, careful planning is essential. Define the specific responsibilities they will undertake and the exact duration of their assignment. Clearly outline these details in the job description. While major job sites are effective for posting job descriptions, partnering with a staffing agency can expedite the process.

  1. Assess Temporary vs. Permanent Need

If uncertain about the duration, consider whether the position might be more suitable for a direct hire. Avoid using temporary employees as a short-term fix for long-term staffing gaps. While seasonal needs are clear-cut, ongoing company growth or key staff departures may necessitate permanent solutions.

  1. Evaluate Relevant Experience

Since temporary hires fulfill immediate needs, prioritize candidates with recent, relevant experience. Unlike permanent staff, temporary employees may not have extensive on-site training time. Select candidates who can quickly integrate and contribute effectively from day one.

  1. Consider Conversion Potential

Although hired temporarily, recognize the potential for these employees to transition to permanent roles based on their performance. While avoiding premature discussions about long-term strategies, observe strong performers who could potentially fill other positions within the company seamlessly.


At Beacon Staffing, we specialize in connecting businesses with skilled temporary and long-term employees. Whether you need short-term support or a permanent addition to your team, we have the right candidates for you. Contact us today to discover how we can assist your staffing needs effectively.