We’ve all struggled to get through the workweek. The dreaded “mid-week slump” can suck your remaining energy with stress and discouragement, but it doesn’t have to. Read on for five easy tips to help you pull yourself out of your slump and beat the mid-week blahs.
Here’s how:
1. Start Something New
Starting something new in the middle of the week may seem counterproductive, but it’s a perfect time to switch gears and pursue something rewarding and exciting. Start a new hobby, indulge in self-care, try a new outfit, or start a new hobby to breathe new life into your week.
2. Get Outside & Get Active
Fresh air is essential to clear your mind and pull you out of a mid-week slump. Twenty minutes outside lifts your spirits and raises your body’s vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is a vital nutrient for metabolism and mood, and sunlight is the best source. If you live in northern climates where winter weather makes it difficult to get those healthy rays, a vitamin D supplement can help.
Daily exercise is also essential to reduce stress and boost the feel-good hormones called endorphins. Whether you lift weights, jog, kickbox, cycle, or take a walk, exercise can pull you out of a low mood in no time. In fact, exercise is so effective at lifting your mood that it can prevent a midweek slump in the first place!
3. Get Social
Even if you count many of your coworkers as friends, it is vital to make time for connections outside of work. After the extreme separation of the pandemic lockdown and social distancing, connecting with friends and family is more important than ever. If you are slumping in the middle of your work week, plan to see or talk with friends and family. Whether on the phone, online or in person, connecting with loved ones benefits your mental and overall health.
4. Clear the Clutter
Cleaning up and getting organized can quickly turn your mood around. The presence of clutter in your home or office can contribute to various mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, stress, and even feelings of worthlessness. A solid decluttering session can free up space, and free your mind, too.
5. Treat Each New Day as a Fresh Start
It may be the middle of the week, but every day is a new day. Even if the beginning of the week drained your batteries, you can still recharge and tackle the rest of the week with energy and intention. No matter how bad the day may be, look to the next day and commit to moving forward toward your daily, weekly, and overall goals.
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