While not every job you work may be your “dream job,” the stepping-stone roles you take play a valuable role in your professional progress. As the name suggests, stepping-stone roles bring you closer to your dream job, helping you expand your knowledge and experience, boosting your resume, and preparing you for the desired position.

Beyond gaining experience and hands-on knowledge, stepping-stone jobs are worth considering for several reasons. Read on to learn three.

Reason #1: Networking

The old saying goes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” and this is often true across the professional spectrum. Networking is one of the essential parts of any role, and stepping-stone roles are no exception. Whether you are pursuing a career in a particular field or looking to transition to a new one, a stepping-stone role can help you get noticed by the right people. Your colleagues become a part of your network and may prove to be valuable assets in your future job search and may even provide you with a recommendation for your dream job.

Reason #2: Flexibility

Stepping-stone jobs are often very flexible. A flexible role allows you to stretch your skills and experiment in a part-time capacity, try on new roles, or even completely change careers without the pressure and stress of a full-time schedule. Whether adventurous and eager for a significant change or more cautious and want a good balance of free time and job security, a stepping-stone role offers the time flexibility you need to focus on your future while earning money in the present.

Reason #3: Money

Even in times of career change, you still need to support yourself. Stepping-stone roles can provide the financial security to keep your bills paid and your belly full as you pursue training and education to progress in your profession or transition to a new career. A stepping-stone role can also set a financial tone for future positions, providing a salary to progress up from.


A stepping-stone role may be just the position you’re looking for if you want more free time to pursue a career transition. With steady pay to keep you going, networking opportunities to help you progress forward, and the flexibility to pursue training for your ideal career, stepping-stone roles are a vital part of the job industry and are well worth a serious look.

Could a stepping-stone role be the right choice for you? Browse our open roles today!